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Can You Mix Creatine With Soda?

Can you m is creatine with soda

Creatine supplements are extremely popular among individuals who are trying to enhance their strength and muscle size. As it typically comes in powder form, you might be wondering whether or not the supplement can be mixed with soda.

It is typically not recommended to combine creatine with sodas that contain caffeine as it can negate the impacts of the amino acid. Such a combo might also increase the risk of dehydration, by the way.

Keep on reading to find out why a lot of people still choose to mix their creatine with soda and what is the best way to take this supplement from a scientific perspective. 

What Is Creatine?

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Creatine is an amino acid that acts as a natural source of energy. It is mainly located in the body’s muscles and the brain. A lot of people take creatine supplements to build muscle strength and promote brain health.

The body makes about a gram of creatine per day. The kidneys, liver, and pancreas deliver around 95% of the amino acid to the muscles and the other 5% goes to the brain, heart, and some other tissues.

The second half of the daily supply of creatine (another gram) typically comes from one’s diet. Such foods as red meat, seafood, and milk are especially high in creatine. 

Some people choose to also take creatine supplements to incorporate even more of the amino acid into their diets. Vegans can benefit from synthetically made creatine supplements as natural sources of the amino acid include only protein-rich foods.

We recommend using a pure micronized German creatine like All Max Nutrition Creatine. It is pharmaceutical grade and easily mixes in water water for fast digestion. To check the current price and availability of All Max Creatine, click here to view the listing on Amazon.

What Are the Benefits of Creatine?

An average person wouldn’t typically need to take creatine supplements as you can easily get half of the recommended daily intake from your diet, and the other half would be produced in your body.

Supplements should be taken by those who cannot synthesize creatine because of a particular health condition. The amino acid is also being studied for use in such diseases as Parkinson’s disease and depression. 

However, at the moment, mainly athletes take advantage of the supplements as creatine can improve athletic performance, increase energy production, and allow the sportsmen to train harder. 

Can You Mix Creatine with Soda?

Not that long ago, a lot of fitness TikTokers started mixing their creatine with soda. The reasoning behind this trend was simple – the majority of such beverages are full of sugar, so they might potentially help transport the amino acid more efficiently to the muscle cells. 

Fun fact: There are plenty of people who started mixing their creatine supplements with soda just because they don’t like the slightly bitter taste of it. 

From the scientific point of view, combining creatine with simple carbohydrates may actually enhance muscle absorption. But that does not mean that creatine and soda are a match made in heaven.

In fact, some studies suggest that the caffeine that plenty of sodas have can negate the impacts of creatine. Furthermore, the well-known diuretic effect of caffeine can further increase the risk of dehydration when taken together with the amino acid. 

Also, remember that the high sugar content in sodas and their high acidity levels can contribute to weight gain, poor oral health, and plenty of other health issues. 

What Is the Right Way to Take Creatine?

It is typically recommended to take around 2-5 grams of creatine per day. When taking your supplement, make sure that you pair it with enough fluid (at least a glass of water).

Creatine monohydrate usually comes in powder form. So, the best way to take it would be to dissolve your daily dose in water. You can try using warm water or tea to make the powder dissolve faster. 

Some athletes like to take their supplement with juice or carbohydrate-rich foods (rice, oats, pasta, bread, etc.) to help the muscles absorb the amino acid more easily. You might achieve the same effect if you combine creatine with a protein source (like a shake or a steak). 

How Much Water Should You Drink with Creatine?

Each dose of creatine should ideally be taken with 8 ounces of water.

The amino acid will pull water into muscle tissues which can potentially lead to dehydration if you’re not consuming enough of the liquid. Furthermore, in such a case, the supplement simply won’t work its magic.

To help creatine make your muscles bigger and stronger, there should be enough water available in your body. As the amount of water a person needs is highly individual, try to make sure that you’re consuming more water on the days you take your supplement than what you usually drink on a day-to-day basis. 

When Should You Take the Creatine Supplements?

There isn’t exactly a ‘best’ time to take creatine as the amino acid will eventually build up in your system. The main rule here is to take the supplement on a daily basis (even on non-training days).

To make sure that you don’t forget to take your regular dose, you might want to consume the powder with your post-workout. On rest days, taking the supplement with food might be more beneficial as the protein or carbohydrates will help the amino acid absorb better. 

Safety and Health Considerations

Though it has been proven that creatine is safe to take on a regular basis, you would have to make sure that you’re drinking enough water and overall following a healthy diet, in order to achieve the best results.

The side effects of taking too much creatine might include dehydration, upset stomach, muscle cramps, high blood pressure, and even kidney and liver damage. 

The supplement can be unsafe for individuals with preexisting kidney problems. Caution is recommended for anyone taking blood sugar supplements and those with diabetes. 

Final Thoughts

If you’re trying to improve your athletic performance, you might choose to take creatine supplements.

To achieve the best results, mix it with water or a post-workout shake. Though combining creatine with soda will not necessarily have negative consequences, the supplement might become less effective due to the caffeine. Sodas are also typically high in sugar and quite acidic which is overall not beneficial for your health.


Shane is a fitness enthusiast who also has a passion for trying and cooking new foods. His favorite stores to shop at include Trader Joe's, Wholefoods Market, Sprouts, Stater Brothers, and Target.

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